Sales By You

Sales By You

Hosted by: Celina Guerrero

At the Sales by You podcast we talk about all things sales related for consultants and service providers: mindset, LinkedIn and how to build a lead-to-client sales process that works for you. If you’re a...

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10x-ing Your Lead Gen Thru LinkedIn Outreach

In this episode of the Sales by You podcast, Celina explains what LinkedIn outreach is and how it will boost your lead gen despite its inherent challenges. You will learn: The 3-steps to LinkedIn outreach The impact...
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The #1 Reason Your Sales Calls Aren’t Becoming Clients (and What to Do About It)

In this episode of the Sales by You podcast, Celina talks about the #1 reason your sales calls aren't converting to clients and what you can do to improve your conversion rate. She emphasizes the importance of...
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Your Q2 Outreach Plan to More Clients

In this episode, Celina talks about leveraging your existing network to uncover new business opportunities. She emphasizes the importance of proactive outreach to four specific groups to generate leads and strengthen...
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The DM says “I Want to Work With You”. How Do You Respond?

We all want people “popping” into our DMs saying, “I want to work with you.” And this recently happened to someone I know. They received a DM asking about details of one of their service offerings. Wowza! The dream....
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Is the 15-minute call dead?

Is a 15-minute call, ever really 15-minutes?Whatever you call them: Consult call. Sales Call. Fit call. Coffee chats. Intro call...What is the purpose of offering such a short-lived call?In this episode, I talk about...
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How to Maximize Your Email List Using LinkedIn for More Clients

If you have an email subscriber list and you’re not leveraging it using LinkedIn, you’re missing out - big time. In this episode, I share one of the most untapped opportunities to leverage LinkedIn to cultivate...
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How to Use LinkedIn to Improve Sales Call Conversions

If you're having a lot of sales calls that aren't converting, it's the worst. The key to solving this problem is to look at what actions you're doing leading up to the call. In this episode, I share 3 ways you can use...
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3 Reasons To Reach Out to Prospective Clients -- Without Waiting for them to Reach Out to You

In this episode I dive into 3 reasons it's important to reach out to prospective clients -- without waiting for them to reach out to you. I discuss: The 3 reasons What "reaching out" actually means Subscribe to The...
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You want to reach a new market. Now what?

As we head into 2024, many of you are considering changes in the client you serve. This happens for a few reasons: A large portion of your target client left their business in 2023 The client you serve doesn't have...
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5 Reasons Referrals are a Problem

When are referrals a problem? Or are they? In this episode of the Thrive Biz Chat, I’m going to outline 5 reasons referrals might be a problem for you, and you didn't know it. Celina Guerrero has generated millions in...
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5 Reasons Prospects Ghost You And What to Do About It

Have you ever been in contact with someone who you think is going to be a client and you just never hear from them again? In this episode of the Thrive Biz Chat, I’m going to outline 5 common reasons this is happening...
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5 Reasons to Start Conversations with Prospects on LinkedIn

In this episode of the Thrive Biz Chat, I discuss why reaching out directly to your ideal prospects is a great addition to your business development strategy. To find more resources on this topic, go to...
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