5 Steps to Hiring Your First Salesperson

Can't get past your revenue ceiling? Ready to get sales off your plate so you can have more time to grow your business?

Before you do, learn the 5 steps to a successful first sales hire.

1. Acknowledge that if you hire wrong, you’re going to lose a lot of money and a lot of time.

2. You can’t just hire someone and expect them to generate new clients without your leadership and support.

3. Devise a strong recruiting and interviewing process with an incentivizing comp plan to attract the right candidates.

4. Create a framework for success that onboards your new sales hire with the right tools and training to ramp up quickly.

5. Create a process to provide ongoing feedback, accountability and coaching to your new sales person to increase retention and positive outcomes.

Celina Guerrero has generated millions in revenue as a professional sales executive and marketer. As founder of the 90 Day Sales Director she takes client-serving CEOs & Consultants from sales overwhelm to sales leaders, faster and with less redos, on their way to building a 6 to 7-figure business.

If you’re want a proven guide to leading your sales calls, download my 6-Step Sales Call Guide here: https://www.celinaguerrero.com/salesscript

What's your biggest question about hiring your first sales person?