How to Overcome Objections in High Ticket Sales

When you start selling high ticket programs and consulting, you start to hear about and use the word sales “objections”.

Objections are things your potential clients say to you in a sales conversation that describe the reasons they’re not interested in what you have to offer.

Everyone hates them.

But in this episode of the Thrive Biz Chat, I share with you the 3 common myths about objections!

I break down what people believe them to be vs. what they really are, so you can stop worrying about them and have better sales conversations.

Ready to up level up your marketing and sales and stop relying on referrals to grow your business? Learn about the Thrive Sales Accelerator here:

Download Celina's 5 Ways to Get More Leads Cheat Sheet, go to

Celina Guerrero has generated millions in revenue as a professional sales executive and marketer. As founder of the Thrive Sales Accelerator she helps service-based entrepreneurs level up their marketing and sales -- and stop relying on referrals to grow their business. 

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